When it comes to building renovations, there is one space I never neglect – the attic. Well-ventilated attics are the key to a healthy and livable home, and solar attic fans are my go-to tool for keeping the air flowing.

Attics are rarely accessed and inspected. So it’s no surprise they can be havens for mold and rot. It may surprise you to know that to keep your attic healthy, the air inside must be circulated out at least 10 times an hour! Otherwise, mold, rot and mildew can spread to the point where entire buildings are condemned

People often think only homes in colder regions have this problem. In these climates, water from snow that melts upon contact with a home’s warm roof seeps beneath a roof’s shingles. This creates a moisture-rich environment for mold growth.

But the fact is, homes in warmer climates are just as vulnerable to the problems of moist attics.

While renovating my Caerula Mar resort, the high humidity of the Bahamas air made moisture one of my biggest headaches. The humid air simply wasn’t being circulated out of the attics fast enough by the small electric fans I had. As moisture built up, so did the damage. Wood rotted away at the attic’s interior, moisture-loving termites moved in… it was a huge mess!

All that changed when we installed iSolar Solutions’ solar attic fans. Moisture levels instantly dropped by 20 per cent. The attic interior temperatures (typically 20C hotter than the outside) dropped to the same temperature as the outside environment. And all of this was done without adding any extra costs to our electrical bill, which can be very expensive in the Bahamas!

How exactly do solar attic fans work?

Most structures come with built in-ventilation systems, but they’re usually not enough. In most homes I visit, these tend to be “passive vents” which lack any mechanical parts. They simply rely on differences between external and internal air pressure to cycle out air.

In most areas, that’s good enough to meet the requirements of building codes. But in many cases, these standards may be outdated or completely ineffective at keeping a home mold free. They’re just not able to cycle out all the air from your attic 10 times an hour!

That’s why I turn to solar attic fans to fill the gap. They switch on automatically when your attic starts getting stuffy to give an extra boost of ventilation. When it comes to brands, I typically recommend the fans in iSolar Solutions’ FLEX line. Their modular design means they can be set up in custom configurations to handle architectural challenges and properties where sunlight is scarce.

How handy do you have to be to install one?

Now I get what you’re thinking: Bryan, how hard is it to install one? Well the answer is, not very hard at all! Most fans in iSolar Solutions’ lineup fit into the existing vent holes of most homes. Since they don’t have complicated wiring, most general contractors and roofers can handle installation. Don’t know one? No worries! The iSolar Solutions website has a directory of trusted installation partners near you!

And for you DIYers out there, the iSolar Solutions website has easy-to-follow instructions that will get your fans up and running in no time.

However you choose to get a solar attic fan installed, iSolar Solutions has you covered with a limited 20-year warranty on their products.

Whether you’re running a resort, or simply trying to keep your home comfortable and healthy, the key to a healthy home starts with a well-ventilated attic.
